What is self-care? Everyone needs to understand this.
There are many misconceptions related with self-care. Many relate self-care with selfishness. Self-care is not about being selfish. Self-care is all about taking care of oneself physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Self-care is a practice that makes a person happy physically and emotionally. It involves activities and behaviors that promote health, reduce stress, and enhance overall quality of life.
If you are following my blog for a while, you may have noticed that most of my blogs focus on mental health and positivity. I write to spread awareness regarding the importance of mental health and happiness. Self-care is one of the many ways that can help in attaining a positive and happy life.
When I say self-care, it has nothing to do with selfishness. Sometimes people do not indulge into activities related to self-care thinking it’s selfish. Comparing self-care with selfishness is a misconception. People actually lose the whole plot when they conmapre these two things.
Today, in this blog I will provide you with two of many reasons to prove that self-care is not being selfish at all.
1. You need to be happy to make other’s happy.
So, you might have heard this many times, if you are not happy you cannot make other people happy. Happy radiates form people who are happy themselves.
What can you give to others if you do not have it already? Therefore in order for you to make your loved ones happy, you need to be happy first.
Therefore, take care of yourself so that you can help others too.
2. You need to be healthy first.
Put your oxygen mask first. This is what the fligh attendant suggests in case there is an emergency in the flight. Because, when you can breathe you can help other people breathe.
So, when you prioritise your health, it doesn’t mean you are being selfish. It just means that you know you are important for your loved ones and that’s why you take care of yourself.
Concluding Thoughts
Self-care is all about understanding your needs for a well-being and taking corrective measures. By taking care of yourself, you make yourself better available for your loved ones mentally and emotionally.
Self-care is not about being selfish or putting your own needs above others. It is about recognizing that you cannot pour from an empty cup. So, take the time to fill your cup with self-care practices that nourish your mind, body, and spirit.
Always remember, you cannot give something to someone when you actually do not have it.
True- if self-care is being monitored by someone else with ethical standards and understandment what the word “care” really refers to. Otherwise its just a open for of bias gaslighting… imo
I agree with you….
Thanks for reading my post.
Happy Self Care Day.
You’re totally correct that self-care is not selfish … I did one for my other social media, too.
Thank you so much
Very true!! Self care can make everyone around us happy!
Thank you so much