
How do you practice self-care?

Okay, so this is something o am frequently talking about in my blog. We all are so busy working all day that we do not pay attention to the most important thing that we have. Our mind and body.

I know it’s easier said than done. Self-care is not that easy until and unless we prioritise it. I am still learning to take care of myself.

Self-care should not take much time. Fifteen minutes to one hour should be enough every day to stay with ourselves and take care of our mind, body, and soul.

As we all are different and have different lifestyles, our self-care routines also differ. In this post I am mentioning things that work best for me.

1. Music

Listening to music Alwar uplifts my mood and releases any tension I have. It works like magic to my mind.

2. Meditation/Breathing Exercises

I am new to meditation and breathing exercises. I am not regular with meditation and breathing exercises. I try to practice atleast 3 times a week.

I have found that breathing exercises help me with my headaches. After my sessions of meditation I feel relaxed and calm. These absolutely work for me.

I am hoping to make it a daily practice so that I can take care of my mind and body more. The best thing about meditation is that you can do it anytime every day and it does not take more than 10-15 minutes.

Similarly, breathing exercises also known as pranayama also do not take more than 15-30 minutes.

3. A walk Outdoors

Walking is another stress reliever for me. The outside hot weather is not allowing me to walk every day these days.

Going for a walk has always worked for me. There are so many studies that have proved the goodness of walking. You do not need to read those to encourage you to walk.

Just wear your shoes and step outside weh the weather permits. You will see the benefits instantly.

So, there is not one way for self-care. There can be multiple ways to take care of ourselves. Just prioritise important things.

How do you practice self-care?

About the author

A high school science teacher, a blogger, and an enthusiastic learner.


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