Reading and writing are the two essential life skills that we learn at school. These are considered skills because the more you practice, the more perfect you become. Skills become perfect by practicing.
Now, this blog post is not about explaining the benefits of reading and writing. This blog post is to share my reading and writing experience with you as a teacher.
Those of you who are following me since 2019 know me as a blogger. I am also a high school teacher. This is not a secret as I have shared on my About Me Page.
Being a teacher I read and write almost every day. Either I am making a lesson or planning a lesson. I have to make my calendar, plan about activities in advance, etc. All these activities include reading and writing.
Lesson planning is the most favorite part of my work after teaching. One day I will share details on making a lesson and planning a lesson.
These days I am so busy in my job that I have to somehow manage my blog. There are so many things that a teacher needs to do. There are so many things that goes behind the scenes. Teaching is just one part. It involves so many other things as well.

At the end of the day, taking time for blog has become a real challenge for me these days. Although, I am not able to post a blog consistently, it does not mean that I am not writing daily.
I write daily. I write for myself. I write for my students.
How often do you read and write?
I need to get back to reading. I have a good stack of books just waiting to be cracked open. I’m so “plugged in” I need to get back to what I used to love.
Just do it…do what you love to do.
I admire you, teaching is not an easy job! So much goes into it! I write daily, I blog every day and I read books every day too. X
Thank you so much….Let’s keep doing what we love to do.