Hello All,
Welcome to my reading journey blog post. This month was quite a busy one. Being a full time teacher in high school reading becomes a bit difficult yet rewarding.
Reading is an escape from a tiring day of work. It takes you to a different world altogether where the things that are happening you do. It have to worry about at all.
After coming from school, I listen to audiobooks as these are convenient and I do not have to stare on the books. I plug in the ear pods, lay down, and relax by listening to an audiobook.
Audiobooks have been working for me a lot. I listen to them whenever I am doing household chores or relaxing. They keep my mind preoccupied and I forget whatever happened at school.
In August, I couldn’t read much. I was able to listen to three audiobooks. As of now my reading count in 45 which way past 30 books challenge. These are the books I read in August.

1. The Glass Castle: A Memoir by Jeannette Walls
2. The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative by Florence Williams
3. The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years by Shubnum Khan
All these books were poles apart from each other. Two were non fiction while one was a fiction. The Glass Castle: A Memoir by Jeannette Walls was a recommendation from one of my blogger friend.
I enjoyed reading all these books and looking forward to reading more books in September. I believe, I would be able to cross 50 books this year and May be more than that. Looking at my speed so far, I am guessing 60 books is achievable.
How many books did you read last month?
Enjoy reading!
Thank you so much