I am a human.
You are a human.
Before being a human we all are organisms, a multicellular organism, which means we are made up of more than one cell.
As a matter of fact, our human body is made up of trillions of cells.
Cells can either be eukaryotic or prokaryotic. Eukaryotic cells have nucleus that contains DNA while prokaryotes do not have nucleus. They still have DNA.
Cells make tissues. Tissues make organs and organ systems make an organism.

We are humans and we are unique.
Humans are unique.
What makes any organism unique?
The DNA.
DNA makes organisms unique yet every DNA on this planet has the same chemical composition.
Isn’t it amazing?
DNA is amazing.
Let’s not deviate from the topic.
All organisms are provided a scientific name in biology without exception.
A scientific name has two parts as we humans have two parts in our names, first name and last name.
The scientific name of humans is Homo sapiens.
Homo is the first name and sapiens is the last name.
Homo sapiens means wise man.
Now, the first name can have more than one last names.
So, before Homo sapiens, we had many other organisms with the first name Homo.
One example is Homo erectus. They are extinct now.

Let’s dig a little deeper.
Humans belong to the family Hominidae. Family is again the part of scientific classification.
Members of this family are called hominids.
Hominids are known for their social behavior.
Humans belong to the kingdom Animalia. Kingdom are broad groups of classification.
Scientifically humans are animals, social animals.
Remember, we have improved social skills that other organisms lack.
There is nothing to be offended about being animals.

Humans are animals as per biological classification and characteristics features.
There are other things too that make us unique.
Humans are primates which means they have collar bones and grasping fingers. Monkeys have these features too.
Humans are mammals. They have hair and milk glands.
Humans are one of a kind living on the earth with the bigger and smarter brains.
Humans are eukaryotic, multicellular organisms eleven body systems that stand erect and walk on two legs.
I am a human.
You are a human.
We all are unique.
We are the masterpiece of evolution.
Yes we are so
Thanks for reading.
Pleasure so