First day of school is exciting for students, parents, and teachers as well. Our school district reopened two weeks before. Today is the first day of school for students and thus for teachers as well because what is a school without students.
I am not only excited but nervous too. Teaching after summer break always feels different. I am glad, I am teaching the same subject this year so I do not have to worry content at least.

Although, I will be teaching biology again this year, I rarely use my lesson slides from last year. It doesn’t mean that my previous lessons were not perfect. I always try to upgrade my lessons, add new template, and make more fun interactions.
I am nervous because we have a new administration this year. Yet I am excited for the new students and new academic year.
Learning is a two way process. A teacher can teach only when the students are willing to learn and grow as an individual. With great classroom expectations and an interactive lesson planning, I hope to have my student’s full engagement this year.

We always begin anything new with positivity and optimism. I am hoping to have an awesome academic year with my students. I am beginning this academic year with optimism and full faith in my students.
That’s how I feel about teaching! A fresh new vibrant start to the new fall year enriches our old and new lessons.
Yeah, first day of school always feels first day of teaching. Thanks for sharing.