Hello all my amazing readers and friends,
I am glad to inform you that after so long I am able to blog for 9 consecutive days.
Blogging streak was like long time no see on my blog. When I saw the notification from WordPress in the morning, I felt great. Now, I feel I am doing justice to my blog and to myself as a blogger.
I am not a full time blogger. I am a fulltime high school teacher. Therefore, it becomes challenging for me to post every day. Today, I feel I am doing good as I was able to post continuously for nine days. Isn’t it great??

You might be wondering, how I did this. There are so many bloggers out there who post on their blogs every single day. I made it possible because of the Thanksgiving break. I took advantage of my break and worked on my blog every day. I have even prescheduled posts.
This post will give me my 10 days streak and it feels great. If you are a blogger you will understand my feeling.
As a blogger, you need to be consistent and engaging so that your readers can connect with you. All my blogger friends can relate with me on this. Posting every day is a great way to engage the readers and be consistent.
Whenever you post consistently on WordPress you will receive notifications, reminding of your good work that you are doing. This works as a motivator and you do not want to break the flow.
Last year, I had a blogging streak of 17 days. Let’s see if I am able to break my record or not. As of now, I am focusing on blogging everyday for at least 20 days. Fingers crossed 🤞🏾!!!
Thanks for stopping by and reading this post.
Happy Reading!!!
Great work 👍♥️
Thank you Rathnapriya
Congratulations and happy blogging!
Thank you so much
Always a pleasure! 🌸
Awesome !!!perseverance pays 😀
Indeed ☺️☺️