Sometimes you need to vent out.
You need to talk to someone.
Talk everything out loud.
You need to be heard.
It does not matter who hears you:
It can be a person or a piece of paper
Yes, you can vent out on paper as well.
When you have no body to talk to,
you can write down your feelings.
It works like magic,
It lightens you.
It unburdens you.
So next time when you do not feel like talking to someone,
find solace in the paper.

Wonderful ♥️
Well said.
Thank you so much
The power of paper and pen, so true. When upset with someone in the government, Abraham Lincoln would write a pointed letter and then throw it in the waste basket. The practice of writing down my feelings helps me. Thank you.
Yeah, and throwing the paper is the best way to get rid of that negativity.
I agree! I love to journal.
I agree, writing is therapy, I love to write! Always have!
Writing is therapy for me too. Sometimes I write something just to vent and then delete
Deleting is what I do too after writing.