What are 5 everyday things that bring you happiness?
I would like to begin this post by thanking Daily Prompt for such a beautiful topic to write on. Five things that brings happiness is an amazing topic for my blog at this point of time in my life.
For me happiness comes in small, little things, things that matter day to day life. The daily prompt asks what are five everyday things that bring you happiness. Therefore I will stick to the materialistic things that bring happiness.
Happiness differs from person to person. A thing that brings happiness to me might not even mean anything to you.
Here are five everyday things that bring happiness in my life.
5 Things That Bring Happiness in My Life
1. A nice cup of tea
2. A book
3. My comfort food
4. Listening to music
5. Going for a walk
Let’s talk about each one of these separately.
1. A Nice Cup Of Tea
I am a tea lover. I need a morning tea. A nice, sweet, milk tea. I know, nutritionists do not recommend adding milk to tea or coffee ☕️. They suggest drinking black tea or black coffee. Somehow, I do not like the bitter taste of tea or coffee. I need to have sugar and milk in my tea.
I can remove all sugars in my life and sceptic for the two spoons of sugar that I add in my morning tea. I try avoiding my evening tea as much as I can.
So for me, a nice cup of tea can turn my day on and make my day sweeter and happier.
2. A Book

I love books. I might not read all books I have (I already have a few of them). Yet, I like collecting books and building my own future library.
Gift me a book 📕 and you will make me super happy 😃.
It’s not just about reading a book, flipping a book, and gifting a book to someone also makes me happy.
Books are a uniquely portable magic.
Stephen King
In general, anything and everything about a book can bring happiness to me.
3. My Comfort Food
When it comes to food, my go to food is always Indian. My second choice of food can in Indo-Chinese. My third choice can be a Mexican vegetarian food.
Food is a great turn on for me. A good meal 🥘 can always uplift my mood and soul.
My comfort food is anything Indian but has to be vegetarian. I like fried rice and any curry. I can also eat poori-bhaaji, biryani, naan-paneer, rice and daal with potato fries, etc, etc.

4. Listening to Music
I am very selective when it comes to music. I cannot listen to anything or everything.
Music is always relaxing and soothing. Whenever I feel low, I listen to my favorite music tract and it uplifts my mood. Music is a great stress buster for me.
I prefer listening to Bollywood music 🎶 and that’s my go-to music.

5. Going For A Walk
Walking outside is something I can do daily if time permits. Walks are always good for our health and mood.
Feeling low, go for a walk.
Feeling lonely, go for a walk.
Feeling tired, go for a walk.
Annoyed? go for a walk.
Feeling stressed, go for a walk.
Worried about your health, go for a walk.
Walking can solve so many health related problems.
Do not think too much, prioritise your health, go for a walk.

I would like to conclude by stating that these five things are also my self-care techniques. Reading a book, having a nice morning tea, going for a walk, listening to music, and having a healthy meal are my ways to stay happy and healthy.
What are your five things that lead to your happiness?
Comment down below in the comment section. I will be happy to read your thoughts.
For me they are:
1. Blogging
2. Eating chocolate and Nutella
3. Talking with my loved ones.
4.Meeting my relatives in Delhi!
5. Going to Bade Mandir in New Delhi, India
Nice ones!!! I write about the materials that make me happy.
Mine includes tea as well. Of course, with cream and splenda. 😊It’s my daily ritual. Then, meditation/devotion time. Stretching/walking. Blogging (or writing)/Reading. Chatting with my daughters.
Wow!!! I liked that. Thanks for reading and sharing your happiness.