Today is May 1st 2024. In some parts of the world it’s already May 2nd. I can’t believe it’s May already. There is something exciting about May. You know why. Because this is the last month of the school before summer vacation.
Being a teacher, I am so so excited about summer vacation. My kids are excited too. For the whole month of May we will be counting days. How many days of school still left? For my school district we have 17 days before summer vacation.

That’s why May is so exciting. Keep counting the school days. No stress as we are already done with testing. I still have to grade papers but that’s okay. The excitement of summer break and no school for two entire months can easily help this month to pass smoothly.
As I said it’s already May, let’s focus on my plans for this month. This month, I am thinking of maintaining at blog planner as well.
Plans for New Month, May 2024
This month I want to be more organised and focused on things that really matter to me like my family’s health and well being and my hobbies that I really want to keep up with.
Health First

My focus for this month will be to be more mindful while eating and exercising atleast 4 days a week to stay active and healthy.
Mindful eating is important for health. Sometimes we tend to eat things that we shouldn’t be eating or overeating food that we love to eat. This has adverse affect on our health. Therefore, mindful eating is something that I will be. Doing this month and here after.
This month and months to come I will also give importance to walking. I love walking but I do not get enough time to walk. Still, I manage to walk for more that 5000 steps daily and sometimes even 10,000 steps.
Little bit of cardio and yoga is something that I am doing from past two months and will continue to do that to stay healthy and active.

As I said before, this month my focus will be on blogging as well. Last month I posted on my blog for 16 days which is not enough. Therefore, from this month onwards I will maintain a blogging planner that will keep me organised and focused.
When we have too much on our plate, a planner is the best way to have everything done in an organised way. Maintaining a planner helps with time management and increases productivity.

I have two hobbies that I really love to do. One is reading and the other is coloring.
When I am listening to an audiobook, I like to color as well. That way I manage two things at a time. I will be writing about my reading and coloring activities in my next blogpost.
This year I have been maintaining a reading journal. It’s so satisfying updating a journal and flipping through your work in free time. You can relate to this if you have a journal too.
I am hoping to be reading more this month and coloring too than last month.
What are your hobbies?
Concluding Thoughts

I hope May will be a happy and blessed month for all of us. I wish you all a happy new month and hope May treats you all well.
What are your plans for this month?