Welcome to this wonderful series that I have named “A to Z Vocabulary Words in Biology.” This series is full of new terms, terminologies, and exciting new information.
Before getting into details of this ultimate series on Biology, let’s know something about Biology.
Biology is a science of living beings and their processes. Anything that is living, falls under biology. It is a vast subject with its own unique language.

To understand biology, one needs to understand the vocabulary words (also called academic vocabulary). Therefore I have this series that deals with a to z words in biology.
One thing that I wanted to clarify here is that this series is not just for students who are learning Biology or need help with this subject. This series is for everyone who wants to learn something new.
I hope you will like this series and contribute to this new journey of words by commenting on my post.
Stay tuned for learning 26 words in a blog post.
Happy Learning!!!