OMG!!! I cannot believe. I am done with the academic year 2023-2024. It’s a mixed feeling yet this was much needed. My school district is closed for summer and nothing can be as exciting as a summer break for a teacher. I cannot believe the summer break has already started. I am so excited already….
Month: May 2024

Share Your Feelings
“Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can br manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.” — Fred Rogers Talking and being heard is important. Share your feelings. It is important for your mental health. Share your feelings to unburden yourself. Share…

Simple Tips For Mental Wellness
May is the mental health awareness month. This month I will be focusing on issues related with mental health to spread awareness on this topic. Today, I will be discussing simple tips for mental wellness. Mental wellness is different from mental health. However, mental wellness is important for mental health. What is Mental Health? Mental…

Mental Health Awareness Month: May
In the USA, May is celebrated as Mental Health Awareness Month to spread awareness about the importance of mental health. Mental health is equally important to physical health. Most individuals prioritise body over health when they think about health. It is important to spread awareness among people about mental health. Most of my blog posts…

Happy Mother’s Day
It’s not just about today. It’s about every day. Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers who sacrifice their lives for their children.

My Reading Journey For April 2024
Hello everyone, I am here with my reading journey blog post. I like sharing my latest reads with you all and if you are a reader like me then this post can also work as a book recommendation. In the last month, I literally slowed down my reading activity in order to fill in my…

Happy May 2024
Today is May 1st 2024. In some parts of the world it’s already May 2nd. I can’t believe it’s May already. There is something exciting about May. You know why. Because this is the last month of the school before summer vacation. Being a teacher, I am so so excited about summer vacation. My kids…